Everything You Need to Know About Vegan Skincare

Everything You Need to Know About Vegan Skincare


Although veganism is all about living a healthy lifestyle, there’s definitely more to veganism than that. Dedicated vegans avoid eating or using animal-based products because they are against animal cruelty and don’t support the slaughtering of animals.

So, when it comes to buying skincare products, they opt for “cruelty-free” skincare.

Over the last decade, the world has witnessed a food revolution and many people have started switching to vegan products. This holds true for skin care products as well. Vegans now demand transparency in how these products are manufactured.

They need to know if these products were produced without hurting the animals and if the ingredients used are vegan-friendly. This major change in the mindset of consumers around the world has opened a new sector in the skincare line – vegan products.

What is Vegan Skincare?

Generally, vegans follow a meat-free diet and avoid animal-based products like milk and cheese. When it comes to skincare, vegans forego using products made from animal-based ingredients.

Vegan skincare products are products that aren’t produced from any animal byproduct. Therefore, they are free from the following ingredients – honey, beeswax, collagen, keratin, and lanolin. There are several other animal-based ingredients in skincare that vegans avoid.

These include carmine and silk. As an alternative, producers of vegan skincare products use plant-based and synthetic ingredients. Some manufacturers of vegan skincare products avoid using animal byproducts even if they have been ethically sourced.

Animal-derived is a term that doesn’t always have a clear designation. For instance, lanolin, an effective moisturizing ingredient that’s derived from washing the sheep’s wool, is something that many vegans would avoid even though no sheep were harmed during its extraction.

Vegan Skincare Products vs. Cruelty-Free Skincare Products

It’s not yet clear as to how exactly the vegan products are different from cruelty-free products. The difference between these two is often confusing. But remember that just because a product has “cruelty-free” on its label, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s vegan.

If a product is vegan-friendly, it simply means that none of the ingredients used were derived from animals. Instead, the ingredients were all derived from plants. This applies to vegan skincare as well.

On the other hand, cruelty-free products mean that these products weren’t tested on animals and that no animals were harmed during the production of these products. However, some of these products may still include ingredients that were derived from animals, such as honey, milk, lanolin, dye, and others.

If you are trying to go vegan and avoid skincare products made from animal-derived ingredients and those that were tested on animals, then choose vegan skincare products, such as the Pumpkin & Spice Ultimate Skincare Pack. These products aren’t only vegan-friendly, but they are also cruelty-free, which means that no animals were harmed during their production.

Vegan Cosmetics

Vegan-friendly skincare products and cosmetics are good for your skin.

So, you might be wondering how these products differ from products made of animal byproducts?

First of all, eliminating animal-based products from your skincare regimen means you can avoid the harsh effects that come with using products that have additives.

This is especially beneficial for those who have sensitive skin and are prone to allergies. Furthermore, plant-based ingredients are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are good for your skin. They protect, hydrate, and nourish your skin.

Therefore, using vegan-friendly products for skincare is certainly a good idea. These products are made from natural and non-toxic ingredients that are gentle for your skin.

How to Check If a Skincare Product is Actually Vegan?

Sure, using vegan-friendly products is certainly a good idea. But how will you know if a particular product is vegan?


It’s worth noting that vegan-friendly skincare products are not verified or confirmed by any governing body. There is no government body that’s authorized to provide certification. And if you see a product with a “vegan” logo, this simply means that the product is made from vegan-friendly ingredients.

But if one of the ingredients is an animal byproduct, the product can’t be considered vegan-friendly. Basically, if a product is considered vegan, not a single ingredient has been derived from animals.

Another way to verify if a product is truly vegan is by verifying it at Vegan.org. This is a popular vegan certifying organization. Before they can certify a product as vegan, it must meet the following requirements – no animal products in its ingredients, the ingredients weren’t tested on animals, and none of the ingredients are animal-derived GMOs.

Do Vegan Products Expire Faster?

One of the most common questions that people have on vegan products is whether they will expire faster than products made from animal-based ingredients.

This will actually depend on the product. Some vegan-friendly products are made with preservative ingredients that aren’t animal-derived. Thus, their shelf life is the same as non-vegan products. 

However, if a vegan product doesn’t contain any preservatives, then it will most likely expire faster compared to non-vegan products. Thus, it’s highly recommended for these products to be stored in lower temperatures in order to extend their shelf life. So, before you purchase any vegan product, refer to the label to find out some information about its shelf life.

Every reputable skincare company will make sure to conduct a stability test on their products and will include information on the label on how long the product will remain good after it’s opened.

When you read the product’s label, look for a symbol that resembles an open jar to find out how long the product will remain good after the opening date. As much as possible, avoid buying products that don’t have any indication of its shelf life.

Animal Byproducts

There might be a few vegan skincare products that have animal byproducts in them. However, most of the cosmetics today are actually vegan-friendly even if they aren’t marketed that way.

Around the early 90s, there was a mad cow disease outbreak, which prompted cosmetics companies to avoid using animal-based ingredients, especially those derived from cows.

All the ingredients used were chemicals derived from plant products. As a matter of fact, the FDA prohibited the use of any animal parts in producing all sorts of cosmetics.

However, the FDA has only limited the use of cattle ingredients. So, if you want to switch to using vegan products for your skincare regimen, there are still some ingredients that you need to watch out for.

Below are some of the most common ingredients used in producing different skincare products.

  •  Lanolin

 This is an emollient ingredient that’s common on moisturizers. This ingredient was derived from the wool of the sheep and no sheep was harmed during the production of lanolin.

 But because lanolin is derived from animals, it can’t be considered vegan. 

  • Gelatin

A thickener that’s commonly used in moisturizers, and is usually a by-product of animals that are also used as a food ingredient.

  • Beeswax

This is a thickener that’s used in skin creams as well as lipstick and lip balms.

  • Hydrolyzed Milk Protein

This is also a popular ingredient in moisturizer and is derived from cow milk.

  • Collagen

This ingredient is also used in moisturizers and is obtained from fish or cow. Since the skin is made of collagen, many people think that skincare products that are made of collagen are better.

 However, this isn’t always the case.

  • Silk Protein

This is a moisturizing ingredient that’s used mainly on hair products. To produce the silk protein, numerous silkworms were used.

In fact, silk has become a popular item in the cosmetics industry these days. But in order for the silk protein to be produced, several silkworms have to be boiled. Thus, skin care products that contain silk protein aren’t really cruelty-free.

There are also several animal-derived ingredients that are being used in producing makeup and skincare products.

These include guanine, which is a pearly essence that’s extracted from fish scales and is responsible for the shimmery texture in makeup.

Keratin is also a popular ingredient, especially for hair care products. This ingredient is derived from animal horns, feathers, and hooves. If you are trying to avoid using animal-based products, then you should avoid products that are made with these ingredients.

Advantages of Vegan Skincare Products

Here are the main advantages:

  1. No Long-Term Side Effects

The overall chemical composition of makeup could potentially damage the skin, especially if it’s used in excess.

Since vegan-friendly skincare products are chemical-free, you can avoid the risk of skin damage despite regular use 

  1. No Harmful Chemicals

One of the biggest benefits of using vegan products like the Pumpkin & Spice Daily Skincare Pack is that you can avoid the harmful chemicals that are usually found in non-vegan skincare products.

Some of these products come with toxic chemicals to make them smudge-proof and waterproof. These chemicals could cause more harm than good to your skin so they must be avoided at all costs. 

But if you choose vegan products, you can rest assured that these products are free from chemical ingredients since they are made from all-natural and organic ingredients that were derived from plants. Aside from being safe, these natural ingredients are usually more effective than synthetics.

  1. No Harm to Sensitive Skin

People with sensitive skin should be careful with the type of skin care product that they use. If your skin is prone to dryness, acne, and flare-ups, it’s best to stick to vegan-friendly products.

Non-vegan products contain harmful chemicals that could trigger your skin problems. However, plant-based ingredients are gentle and safe on the skin, which is why it’s perfect for people with sensitive skin, including those who have Eczema.

  1. No Skin Irritation 

Regular cosmetic and skincare products are usually made with synthetic ingredients including preservatives, fragrances, and dyes.

All these could cause skin irritation especially for people with sensitive skin. Vegan skincare products don’t contain any of these so it lowers the risk of skin irritation.

  1. Healthy Ingredients

With vegan skincare products, you can take advantage of the healthy natural components found in it.

These products are made with natural ingredients like avocado oil, Shea butter, and jojoba oil. All these ingredients are good for the skin. They can soften, hydrate, and minimize redness.

  1. Ecofriendly

With a vegan lifestyle, you’re not only protecting the animals from abuse but the environment as well. 

Vegan skincare products aren’t only cruelty-free, but they also minimize the need to use chemical products that could harm the environment. 

  1. No Stress Caused by Odor

Some skin care products and cosmetics are made with synthetic fragrances that tend to be overpowering.

These are meant to mask the smell of some ingredients used for the products and give it a signature scent of their brand.

Also, some people could end up with migraines or headaches after smelling something strong. Thankfully, most vegan products are odorless and have natural fragrances that won’t trigger headaches due to strong odor. 


Remember that if you switch to using vegan skincare products like the Pumpkin & Spice Face Mask, it’s not only you and the animals that can benefit from it. Using products that are made from plant-based ingredients is also good for the environment.

Not many people are aware of this, but raising and processing animals can have a damaging impact on the environment. In fact, animal agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. 

So, although driving a hybrid car is good for the environment, cutting back on the use of animal-based ingredients is much better.

The industry of animal agriculture has also been found to be one of the leading causes of pollution and deforestation. Thus, if you cut back on the use of animal-based skincare products you are doing your part in protecting the environment.

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